Pain vs. Suffering

The types of pain are important to be aware of for the following reasons.

  1. As a doula being able to identify what kind or type of pain that is presenting will aid in the comfort measure to be used.
  2. Being aware of the kind of pain will allow you to direct your client to the kinds of medications that may or may not be helpful.
  3. In processing the birth and postpartum the frustrations and/or sense of pleasure that come from delivering the baby whether it is via the birth plan or not will allow you as the doula to comfort the birthing mother with ease.


Pain that is often described as sharp and, "localized to the rectum, perineum or vagina". This type of pain is found to be not easily soothed by opioid drugs.


This pain is dull in nature and may or may not be responsive to opioid medications depending on the, "route of administration".

Read more about the differences between Visceral and Somatic pain in this essay.

Suffering in labor is possible and for some people is probable. Let's be clear I am not insinuating that labor is conducive to suffering, what I am saying is that there are some and certain very specific situations and circumstances where the pain of labor can either be interpreted or can lead to suffering.

This suffering can be attributed to (in part):

  • a fear of the pain
  • lack of childbirth education
  • an existing condition or trauma that causes the pain the additional pain of labor to be unbearable
  • positioning of the baby that makes descent difficult
  • an actual lack of progression OR a feeling that labor will never end
  • difficult delivery
  • postpartum issues
  • lack of support

and much more..

Thought provoking questions

  1. In your workbooks write down five situations, experiences and or conditions that could lead to suffering in labor and/or delivery.
  2. Think of a time where you in pain. Now think of a time where you were in so much pain that you were suffering, what would've (if anything) made the difference?

Complete and Continue